2023 ANZSCO Payroll Profession Submission to Government

AWCC made a number of recommendations to the ANZSCO (Australia & New Zealand Standard Classificaiton of Occupations) pertaining to Payroll. These recommendations came about as a result of our Payroll Professionals Survey from which, we concluded and recommended to Government:

  1. The disbandment of Payroll Clerks (skill level 4) under Accounting Clerks & Bookkeepers,
  2. The creation of Payroll Professionals (skill level 2) within the ANZSCO Professional Stream (2 series),
  3. The creation of x4 specialisations under Payroll Professionals and
  4. The creation of Payroll Managers within the 132 (Business Administration Managers) Stream.

    See the attached full submission for more information and breakdown of all recommendations including specialisations.