ANZSCO Payroll Submission response

The ABS has published its Consultation Round 1 Preliminary Proposed Changes to ANZSCO (link below) in which AWCC Ltd was successful in its submission for the following updates to be made for the Payroll Profession.

– Creation of Payroll Manager, and at skill level 2,
– Disbandment of Payroll Clerks,
– Creation of Payroll Officer (however this is to remain at skill level 4), and
– Removal of Payroll from ANZSCO 551 series (Accounting Clerks and Bookkeepers) and creation of a new separate classification for Payroll and its Specialisations (this is to be tabled for a later date whereby Payroll may become part of a new cluster along with Safety, Workforce Compliance and Industrial Relations).

Thankyou to all who contributed and for those interested, follow the link below to review the full proposed changes in the ANZSCO register and AWCCs final response.