AWCC has a number of committees which represent the interests of its membership divisions

AWCC Ltd has a number of committees designed to ensure the interests of its members are appropriately canvassed and represented to Government and in the form of outputs such as the development of EmployTech Standards and Campaigns
Policy & Advocacy Committees
Policy and Advocacy committees represent the memberships interests in shaping national poilcy.
Each committee is responsible for drafting submissions to Government, participating in Government round tables and where applicable, inviting Government to AWCC Committee meetings.
Modern Awards
The purpose of the Modern Award Joint Advisory Committee (MAJAC) is to:
- Provide a cross membership advisory committee to AWCC on modern awards.
- Provide advisory and administrative services to support the objectives of AWCC and its membership divisions.
- Where tasked by the board, conduct research and draft submissions to Government, including the Fair Work Commission in relation to any review, including improvement of the modern award system.
- Assist with any other related modern award task as directed by AWCC, or as recommended by the MAJAC on modern awards and supported by the Chair.
Click here for more information.
The purpose of the Superannuation Joint Advisory Committee (SuperJAC) is to:
- Provide a cross membership advisory committee to AWCC on superannuation.
- Provide advisory and administrative services to support the objectives of AWCC and its membership divisions.
- Where tasked by the board, conduct research and draft submissions to Government, including the Australian Taxation Officer in relation to any review related to superannuation.
- Assist with any other related superannuation task as directed by AWCC, or as recommended by the SuperJAC and supported by the Chair.
Click here for more information.
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2)
Coming soon
Digital Service Provider Architecture Reference Group (DARG)
The DARG is an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) industry engagement committee. Its purpose is for the ATO and Digital Service Providers (DSPs) to establish agreed positions or recommendations regarding messaging patterns and implementation matters related to ATO wholesale service interactions.
More information on the DARG can be found here.
EmployTech Standards Committees
Coming soon
Annual Leave
Coming Soon
Operations Standards Committees
Coming soon
Annualised Wage Arrangements
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Past Committees
PLEASE NOTE: As AWCC Ltd did not exist while each of the listed committees were in operation, those AWCC Ltd Directors/members listed within each committee, attended in their own capacity, or that of their employer at the time.
Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) Working Group (Closed October 2021)
The primary purpose of the Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) working group was to develop a new service to support the proposed super reforms. Digital Service Provider representatives will help co-design a new wholesale solution for the employer superannuation account stapling service.
Single Touch Payroll Advisory Group (STPAG) (Closed December 2020)
The Single Touch Payroll Advisory Group (STPAG) was formed to help design and implement the Single Touch Payroll (STP) initiative through members’ collective knowledge, experience and influence.
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Payroll Working Group (STP2PWG)
This Working Group was a limited invitation only with the Federal Government.