Modern Awards

Welcome to the Modern Awards Joint Advisory Committee (MAJAC)


The Modern Awards Joint Advisory Committee (MAJAC) was setup to ensure a cross section of AWCC’s membership divisions could:

  1. Discuss current and emerging best practice in relation to modern awards.
  2. Discuss and table known issues within modern awards.
  3. Assist AWCC to develop any policy, advocacy or research toward improving modern awards.

The committee is chaired or co-charied by a senior committee member or an employee of AWCC.

The purpose of the Modern Award Advisory Committee is to:

  1. Provide a cross membership advisory committee to AWCC on modern awards.
  2. Provide advisory and administrative services to support the objectives of AWCC and its membership divisions.
  3. Where tasked by the board, conduct research and draft submissions to Government, including the Fair Work Commission in relation to any review, including improvement of the modern award system.
  4. Assist with any other related modern award task as directed by AWCC, or as recommended by the JAC on modern awards and supported by the Chair.

Modern awards are complex by nature and the ability to operationalise and identify labour and non labour law related issues has to date, not been addressed by any peak body on a regular bases. Modern awards have been highly politicised to the extent that little to no attention has been paid to true complexity (not political complexity) so as to be able to identify conflicts or efficiencies and represent these to the Fair Work Commission and related intermediaries including the Australian Taxation Office on a regular basis. 

The modern award JAC was setup to facilitate discussion and co-ordinate members responses of known operational modern award issues to Government. The modern award JAC may in time evolve to assist with best practice guidance development, including training and education to AWCC membership divisions.